Isoclima will be present at the VENICE BOAT SHOW 2022 will be held from May 28 to June 5


The exhibition venue is the Arsenale of Venice, a symbol of the centuries-old military domination of the Serenissima Republic of Venice and the beating heart of its naval industry. 

ISOCLIMA will be pleased to welcome you at our Stand 4, Nappa 89, to show you some of its famous transparent panels designed to meet the needs of the nautical world.

VisionPlus ® is a panel which, by means of superficial dots on the glass, allows a “one-way” vision. Looking from the outside, it appears as a uniform, coloured and compact surface while granting transparency from the inside, which is guaranteed by the differentiated double-sided processing.

Spheric transparent glass with 3D curvature with different orthogonal radii. The peculiarity of this glass is:

  • Accurate geometry control;
  • Optical appearance with significant reduction of image distortion;
  • 3D bending of multiple thick panes laminates with minimal tolerances of geometrical deviation between the glass panes to eliminate delaminations induced by geometry complexity.

Glass panel with coating

ISOCLIMA has capabilities to apply coatings on glass which has the following benefits:

  • Selective solar control system
  • Working principle in reflection
  • Integrated solar transmittance 28%
  • Assuming a solar load of 1000 W/m2, the transmitted direct fraction is 280 W/m2 against 800 W/m2 transmitted by a corresponding laminated glass without selective coating
  • Reduction of perceived thermal load

ISOCLIMA has got a worldwide and old experience on the glass design and construction of flat and curved ones with new technologies able to give our customers a unique solution to transform their ideas into transparent surfaces.

We are waiting for you!