
Our commitment

Here at Isoclima, we see sustainability as an issue to be addressed in everything we do, not just as a requirement to be met for compliance's sake. It is part of our strategic plan. We have numerous projects and initiatives under way. Environmental certifications, social and environmental sustainability programmes, safety as a number one priority, and numerous initiatives for personnel are just some of the undertakings attesting to our abundant commitment to the good of our region, our planet, and all our stakeholders.

Read here our Sustainability Policy                   Read here Freedom of Association Policy                                           Read here Lobbying and Political Contribution Policy

Read here Conflict Minerals Policy                    Read here Antidiscrimination Policy                                                  Read here Political Involvement Policy

Read here Supplier Code of Conduct                 Read here Anti-bribery and corruption Policy                                     Read here Sustainability report 2022

Read here Green Procurement Policy                Read here Environmental, Health & Safety Policy                              Read here Carbon Footprint certification of Product